Connect Care Identifiers

Recently, you may have received information regarding new Connect Care IDs, as well as new requisitions to be made available by Alberta Public Laboratories (APL) and DynaLIFE Medical Labs. To read more about these developments click here.

Microquest is aware of the new IDs and will automatically add your ID to Healthquest once you receive a result from the new Connect Care eDelivery feed. No need to call support or figure out how to add the ID yourself; we’ll take care of it for you!

Additionally, the new requisitions for APL and DynaLIFE requisitions will be available in Healthquest once they are available from AHS and DynaLIFE. As well, Healthquest will automatically populate your Connect Care ID when using the new requisitions.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Microquest.



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