Worklists support clinic staff and clinicians in managing a patient’s care.
Worklists are a communication feature that is linked to a patient chart that can be sent to a specific person or job class to action something. Need to attach something from within the chart to the worklist? Let us help you with that!
Referral Management is a much more enhanced version of the worklist with many more reportable fields, to track the referrals (both incoming and outgoing) throughout the entire cycle of the referral process. Don’t forget, you can add documents to these referrals as well, keeping all applicable documents attached to the referral for future reference!
Need to converse with a fellow employee in the clinic, but don’t need it attached to a patient chart, we got you covered, use our instant messaging!
Worklists can be initiated by staff members, asking questions on behalf of the patient, and sending it to the practitioner for a response; or they can be used by the practitioner to send a message to the staff to complete an action.
Post date a worklist to have it popup in your inbox in the future when you next need to action it.
Keep your referrals out of the worklists, use the referral management! Split the work up into two categories, referrals in referral management, and other tasks staff are needing to complete can be found in the worklists.
Referral Management is a feature following the complete cycle of a referral, that can link to appointments in the schedule. Follow the referral from creation, to sending the referral, to receiving appointment information from a specialty clinic, and receiving the consult report to close out the cycle.