Appointment Reminders

How much money do you lose a month from no-shows or missed appointments? How much time is spent trying to contact a no-show patient, trying to rebook them?

Reduce no-shows/missed appointments and reclaim lost time with Appointment Reminders in Healthquest.

  • Text (SMS) and Voice Reminders: send a reminder via voice or text message to a single patient, or send batch reminders to patients with upcoming appointments.
  • Appointment Reminders Confirmations: allow patients to confirm or cancel their upcoming appointments via email, text, or voice message.
  • Automated Reminders: Send out reminders automatically. Create automated reminders based on the practitioner, site, appointment type, or template.
  • Reminder Templates: create reminder templates for specific appointment types, physicians, or locations. Templates support form fields – automatically insert content within your custom message
  • Save Money: Tier-based voice and text message reminder pricing can save you between $120 and $650 per month compared to other reminder services.

Want access to Appointment Reminders and Confirmations? Contact your client service representative today!



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